H'eathcliff Ham...

the wettest and most pathetic guy ever.

sniff... rhhhgnngnng

About Ham...

whats her DEAL???

shes ALWAYS crying

> Her full name is H'eathcliff Hamaon Null Jr.
>She is somewhere around 19 (ARR)
>clueless. about it all.
>WARRIOR? SOMEHOW?? sometimes, spears.
>immune to all diseases.
>always ALWAYS crying. its not you. its her.

she's actually very kindhearted (most of the time) and gullible. constantly scared of everything.easily jealous. easily started.loves her dad

Full History...

whats her STORY???

cultist's daughter!

Beginning in the depths of some dungeons deep in the Twelveswood, H'eathcliff Ham was created to a means to an end for her mother's ambitions in godhood and immortality. She was however, spared from being sacrificed because she was very cute for a baby. Ham would continue living her childhood in the dark with only voidsent and other cultists for company, giving her an early sense of fear and paranoia that would be permanent.Right before the Calamity, her mother's final attempt at power backfired left her mind frayed and incomprehensible. In the midst of the chaos and her sanity, she hunted Ham down to consume her aether and all. This was stopped by Hamaon, Ham's father, with a plunge of a dagger. Shortly after, he absconded with Ham in tow to the slums of Ul'dah.Hamaon and Ham moved from place to place to avoid the criminal charges of murder and unethical experiments until they finally landed in Ul’dah. Hamaon still continued his research with voidsent and Ham was often terrified of the summonings as she grew up with them. They lived in secrecy for a few years until they were eventually caught and arrested and moved to Moraby Bay.Since the cult that Ham's mom, Sciutto, had garnered participated activities in all three City-States, the ultimate verdict was to imprison Hamaon for life. The final judgement was eased up after Ham’s wailing and crying nonstop in the courtroom as well as assistance from a few anonymous testimonies that asked for a lighter sentence. So instead, Hamaon was sentenced to indefinite house arrest while his daughter cared for him. (At this time, Ham is around 12.)Stuck in a now cramped apartment with a father to care for, Ham had to find a source of income to survive for the both of them. Ham worked a number of odd jobs and with the help of Hamaon’s old companions from Sharlayan they were able to make ends meet.

real in-game picture

Now? Ham is no stranger to traveling and running odd jobs, be it as a temporary guard, a messenger, bait, or scapegoat. However, she is constantly afraid of everything on her path from monsters to strangers to the weather. Because of this… Ham might need more help from passerby adventurers more often than not to get her out of a predicament. She’s incredibly naive and gullible so this might actually get her into more trouble…Despite her meek and timid nature, she can absolutely take care of herself! If… one can call wailing and flailing an axe around with eyes closed sufficient enough care. But it seems to be enough since she hasn’t died yet either by an incredible stroke of luck or she’s genuinely good at fighting.Currently, Ham is assisting her scholarly father in his research, which means going to far off places in his stead to hunt down artifacts and relics that relate to his field. Ham can’t make heads or tails of it but it’s weird how much of it relates to obtaining power beyond anyone’s comprehension. That’s probably just a normal thing to collect though.

real in-game picture

i look like this. im a pervert. im a fujo. its ok .im here to play yaoi barbies with my friends with my whump oc.i also like shipping ham with the twins and horrible guys when shes in the wol-versefind me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/hamhamfantasyor tumber: https://hamhamfantasy.tumblr.com/

i dont have an official sheet yet...


Ham has messy orange hair with the ear on her left notched. She has tan clammy skin and vivid (sometimes glowing) yellow eyes with red eyeshadow.Adorned over the bridge of her nose is a strip of bandage that she keeps on in an attempt to look more intimidating.(it doubles as a nasal strip to keep the snot in check.)She stands at a decent 5’7 ft tall but is often curled in on herself making her appear shorter. Ham also has a shorter tail than most Miqo’te and is frequency puffed up in fear whenever startled, giving it a more mangy appearance.

Testimonies about Ham...

whats everyone SAYING???

"shes fine. also shes my kid. hey is this anonymous"
"nice, but maybe seek medical advice if bitten"
"I've known her for just a few moons now, but If anythin' happened to H'eathcliff Ham, I would kill everyone in this room, an' then myself"
"I love my good friend M’armaduke Hat, she’s so funny!"
"Does not cause much trouble, makes decent clothes. Horrible taste in men though.."
"She's a really good friend and gives a lot of great advice! Totally not worried about how possessive she is over her father... no I'm not jealous-"
"great for picking up, will eat what you offer her. orange."
"A good source of void slime."
"I think i saw her hiding under the couch once when i went to visit the twins"
"Goes great with all types of cheeses and breads. One of my favorite deli meats for sandwiches."
"A dear and brave friend who does not let her anxiety stop her from helping others."
"Fine to hang out with but brings her pet father. [I] Can't focus"
"A danger to herself and others. You feel brave just standing next to her."
"stepped on her tail on accident once an' she apologized to ME with a hangdog look on her face an' then crawled away. its a miracle she's survived this long. 10/10"
"She cries like it's a sport, she is a Champion at it too. 10/10"
"Of a truth, I find mineself compelled to pen a review on the character of the lowly cat girl, a being so bereft of grace and nobility that her presence grateth upon my refined sensibilities. Methinks she possesses not an ounce of mettle, for her cries resound with a frequency that pierces the very heavens. In matters of social standing and manners, this feline falls woefully short. She wallows in a pit of mediocrity and inelegance, her lack of grace and poise a constant reminder of the chasm that separates the superior Elezen from the animal species. Verily, her emotional fragility when confronted by this fact or the slightest adversity, transforms her person into that of a wet sack of fur. Her timidity, incessant weeping and lack of social graces render her unbefit for esteemed company."
"cries alot. im sorry you were born."
"Great customer! She keeps worrying the others with the crying though!"
"Eathcliff is like a darling little sister to me! Hopelessly adorable and adorably hopeless. I can't help but coo with affection for how pitiful she is!"
“One of my favorite prey animals!”
“A sweet soul with such a gentle heart.”
"Miss Ham? ....She seems sweet? Somewhat defenseless, though I've seen her with that spear, and she does know how to use it. .....she's surprisingly good at smoking fogweed."
"Ham is very easy to get along with, she still hasn't figured out I put medicine in her pill pocket treats."
"she's really bad at painting nails but that's okay"
"she's awfully wet all the time, is she ok?"
★★ ☆ ☆ ☆ cat.
"Behind Ms. Ham's meekness lies an admirable strength and resolve that I hope to posses one day. I also find that she is frequently damp for unclear reasons."
“Ham makes me feel like I’m tough af… it’s a great feeling”
"I think if I said anything was a bargain she would just believe me, so I can't in good conscience leave her unsupervised, maybe ever. The mineral composition of her soul is... wet, somehow? No idea what that means. Impossible to shop for."